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    Basic Format of Scientific Research Papers

    时间:2021-12-01 09:41  作者:  来源:betway必威西汉姆联阅读量:

    时间 教室


    报告地点:腾讯会议 ID615 692 938

    报告人:Australia    Zhihong Man 教授


    Zhihong Man is currently the Professor of Engineering in the School of Science, Computing Engineering Technologies at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. His research interests are in nonlinear control, signal processing, robotics, neural networks, engineering optimization and vehicle dynamics & control. He has published more than 250 research papers in refereed international journals and refereed international conferences proceedings, and his research results have widely cited about 13400 times by the researchers from more than 30 different countries.


    In this talk, a basic format of a research paper is discussed. The 7 parts of a research paper including abstract, introduction, problem formulation, main results, simulation and experimental results, conclusion and reference are analysed in detail. The research result on a new extended sliding mode observer, presented in the last seminar, is used as an example to demonstrate (i) how each part of a research paper should be written, (ii) how the main research contributions can be highlighted in each part of a research paper and (iii) how the new concepts can be accurately described in the section of main results of a research paper. This talk is particularly designed for the first-year and second-year research students who are preparing their papers for both research conferences and high quality research journals.