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    Noriko Kawakami: Large capacity power electronics technology for renewable energy sources

    时间:2021-10-22 10:03  作者:  来源:betway必威西汉姆联阅读量:

    时间 教室

    IEEE PELS (Regional) Distinguished Lecturers

    系列学术报告 之三


    Noriko Kawakami: Large capacity power electronics technology for renewable energy sources


    报告时间:2021年10月25日 09:00-10:00


    报告地点:腾讯会议ID:279 244 039


    报告人:Noriko Kawakami博士









    Dr. Noriko Kawakami (M’95-SM’17-F’18) is Senior Fellow in the Power Electronics Systems Division at Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation (TMEIC).  

    She has led development projects of large-capacity power electronics equipment for more than 30 years. In 2003, she moved from Toshiba Corp. to Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation (TMEIC) which is a successful joint venture of two major Japanese companies in the industrial field.

    She served as the President of Industry Applications Society of IEE-Japan from 2018 to 2020.

    Dr. Kawakami has served as a member of the technical program committee for many conferences and as a vice chair for the organizing committee of IPEC 2018 ECCE Asia. She has served as a members-at-Large of PELS since 2018, a member of IEEE William E. Newell Award Committee and an editor of the Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE)

    She was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2018.



    One of the most emerging global issues is the reducing of CO2 for sustainability. The climate policies assign great roles to the renewables and the energy efficiency, to which the Power Electronics can contribute very much as a key technology. The talk introduces recent technology trend of industrial power electronics especially on the large capacity in the range of MW. Such technology is expected to contribute to further the promotion of renewables and energy efficiency.

    The industrial PV inverters will be introduced to show the technology trend in the PV fields. Energy storage systems (ESSs), for large-scale power plants will be introduced. The ESSs are a key component for stabilizing the power grid by managing power and energy from renewables.